Term 4 Week 3


Kaya Parents, 

Yep, it's a bit like that already... a three ring circus! We are busy in 5C. 
The year fives have started the term strong with impressive results in their PAT assessments. So proud!

Here's what's going on ...

School Photo Day

Fotomakers WA will visit Our Lady of the Cape Primary School on the 26th of October, 2023. All orders will need to be placed online. There is no option to pay with cash. Every student has received an information letter to take home. The information letter gives the students a unique access key for ordering online and clear instructions for ordering your photos. Note that all students from Y1 – Y6 should wear full formal uniforms on Thursday. This includes shorts for boys, shorts or summer dresses for girls and winter green woollen formal jumpers for all students in those years. Hair accessories must be in school colours only (teal green, white or black).

Grandparents Day:

We will celebrate Grandparents Day on Friday, the 3rd of November (Week 4), so please make sure that your child has taken the time to invite their grandparents along if possible.
We will start at 9.00am with a 1K assembly. 
Grandparents can then go into classrooms for activities from 9.30-10.40am and to look at their grandchild's work. 
At 10:40am, they will have an opportunity to share morning tea with their grandchildren in the undercover area.

Calendar Art

It is not too late to order, here is a link to order online:

Important Dates for Term 4 2023

  1. This Week: Thursday and Friday 26th and 27th October - School Photos 
  2. Friday 3rd November - Grandparents Day at OLC
  3. Wednesday 8th November - OLC AGM 
  4. Thursday 9th November - Remembrance Day Service - Presented by 5C
  5. Friday 10th November - Pupil Free Day 
  6. Wednesday 29th November - OLC Christmas Concert
  7. Friday 8th December - OLC Colour Run and Last day of School 


Writing: Informative Writing - Explanations. We are reviewing the structure and language features of Explanation Reports before writing a co-constructed explanation on our class totem Beendits (ants).

Literacy Groups: This is the final week with our current Novel Study Book Club. Your child's booklet will become a See Saw post before we dive right into a new novel study to finish off the term.

Mathematics: We will be focusing on 'Fractions, Decimals and Percentages for the first few weeks. We will be looking at fractions of shapes, fractions of a collection, comparing and ordering fractions, equivalent fractions, mixed numerals and improper fractions, tenths, hundredths, percentages, and adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators.

HASS: Migration  - students will be interviewing a migrant of their choice, investigating push/pull factors and assimilation. Guest migrants will be interviewed in the classroom over the coming weeks.

Health / Technologies: Be Well to Do Well - The students will work through a series of challenges on the Makers Empire software. The Challenge Course concludes with a Design Thinking Challenge in which students are asked to design a solution that creates greater awareness of the importance of wellbeing in the development of healthy, happy communities.

Art: Young Archie OLC 2023 is in full swing.

Religion: Confirmation, Pentecost and Fruits of the Holy Spirit 

Interschool Carnival - thanks for the pic of these rockstars, Ness!

Drum roll please ......

Congratulations to Finlay Brejnak and Ari Dorizzi for receiving merit awards last week! 

And to Oliver Jecks and Kai McWhirter for winning MJR awards.

Keep up the awesome work, legends!

Thank you for a great start to the term, and for your ongoing support, 

Anne Coltrinari


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