
Showing posts from July, 2023

Mission Markets / Various

Hey everybody! Just a quick post in regards to the Feast of the Assumption of Mary Mission Markets for 2023 held this Friday 04 August. This year the Year Five classes will be running a 'Hair Spray and Finger Nails' Market Stall to help raise money on the day. We are asking that all of the boys bring in a can of coloured hair spray and all girls bring in a bottle of nail polish. If you have any bottles of hair spray / nail polish  that you no longer use and would like to send them in, that is fine. If you need to purchase coloured hairspray, it is available at the newsagent and Coles. There is also an option for the girls to purchase some finger nail stickers from Kmart as an alternative to nail polish. Please send this in before Friday. There will also be a Basketball Madness stall running alongside this, but we have all the resources we need to run this. On Friday please send in some coins (if possible), in a ziploc bag with your child's name, so that they can participate

Operation Christmas Child / Home Learning

  Hi team, Just a quick blog post regarding 'Operation Christmas Child' and 'Home Learning'. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD You would have received a handout last week explaining the following: All the children in Year Five will soon  participate in  'Operation Christmas Child' which is an initiative with the goal of packing shoeboxes full of little surprises to give to a child who may have never received a gift before. By participating in this, our children will have a first hand experience aimed at building the school value of compassion.  Your child will be grouped with four other children to contribute and pack the shoe box. The cost to send a shoe box will be  $2.50 per child .  We are asking you to encourage your child to do something extra at home to earn the money that is needed to buy the item to put into the provided shoe box. Please see below an example of the provided shoe box for Operation Christmas child: It is very exciting for the children to share in

Term 3 Week 1

  Dear Parents, First things first, let's talk about the winter break... whether you travelled to tropical beaches, or like me had a cozy staycation binge-watching Netflix while devouring snacks and breaking up the occasional fight.... special memories I'm sure were made. Now let's address the elephant in the room - the inevitable Monday morning! We know this can be tough, especially after days of staying up late and soaking up the freedom of sleeping in, but fear not, buckle up and get ready for the rollercoaster ride of knowledge, friendship and unforgettable moments this semester will bring. Farewell Mr Lee During the last week of school, it was wonderful to celebrate the amazing contribution Mr Lee has made in education over forty years, and the indelible mark he made on our lives. Below you can view the Year 5C gift. We gifted Mr Lee with a Wall of Hearts and an Essendon hot water bottle which I am sure has already been put to very good use. Thank you to Pippa who conv